25th Anniversary Service
JC 68 Bennetts Mills Rd, Jackson, NJ, United StatesJoin Rabbi Jan & Marlene as we thank God for all the blessings & inroads in serving the community. You won't want to miss this celebration.
Declaring Messiah to the Jewish Heart of Central Jersey
Join Rabbi Jan & Marlene as we thank God for all the blessings & inroads in serving the community. You won't want to miss this celebration.
Zamariah Jackson, affectionately known as "Z" currently serves as chair for the Living Free Women's Conference. It has been her vision for quite some time to host a conference geared toward helping women free from the chains that keep them from walking in the fullness of all that G-d has called them to, both Jew […]
For extra fun, come in costume. Start preparing now! We'll have a costume contest, Special Shabbat School celebration & the whole Megillah! Hamentachen Oneg following.
Celebrating the Giving of the Torah & the Outpouring of the Ruach (Spirit). During Oneg we will be celebrating with the traditional dairy, fish, vegetables & fruit.