Messiah Centered, Torah Based, Biblically Sound!
Messiah Centered
We consider Messiah to be at the center of everything we
believe. The Talmud put it well when it said, 'The Prophets spoke
not but for the days of Messiah.' Because of this emphasis, we often refer
to Messianic Judaism as Messiah's Judaism. Yeshua is the only
person to fulfill the many Messianic prophecies found throughout the Tanakh,
including the time-sensitive prophecies like Daniel 9, which predicted Messiah's
arrival and execution in the midst of the prophetic 70th week (v. 28), followed
by the destruction of the second Temple in 70 CE. No other person in
history could fulfill this, since the time periods referred to in this passage
have already passed.
Torah Based
Yeshua said, ‘I did not come to destroy Torah,
but to bring it to it's fullest meaning.’ Messiah clarifies the
instruction of Torah, and writes it on our hearts, as it is prophetically stated
in Jeremiah 31:31:
‘Behold, the days are coming,’ declares HaShem, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah, not like the covenant which I made with their fathers in the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they broke, even though I was a husband to them,’ declares HaShem. ‘But this is the covenant which I will make with the house of Israel after those days,’ declares HaShem, ‘I will put My Torah within them, and write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’
Yeshua never did away with any part of the Torah, but always went to the heart of every Torah issue with the purpose of clarifying its true meaning. 'You have heard it said...but I say to you...' is the format Yeshua often use to make His points, and to write the truth of Torah into the hearts of those who heard Him (Matt. 5).
No doubt you have heard the statement, ‘if it doesn't line up with Scriptures, then it's not of G-d.’ But I say, ‘if your interpretation of the Scriptures doesn't not line up with Torah, you misunderstood the context.’ When well intentioned people make the statement, ‘Jesus did away with that,’ inadvertently they provide, through an incorrect view of Torah, an avenue for Jewish people to justifiably reject Yeshua as Messiah on the scriptural basis of Deut. 13:1-5, and consider Him to be a false prophet and a destroyer of the Jewish people. Sadly, it not only misrepresents what Yeshua did in fact teach, but it can actually cause many Jewish people to reject their true Messiah because He was not presented in a language and framework they could understand. When the message of Messiah strays from its Torah roots, it becomes difficult for Yeshua to be recognized by His brothers. Therefore, it is our intention to present Messiah's Judaism as a Torah-based faith that reveals the true redemptive work of HaShem, and the person of Messiah, ‘of whom Moses in the Law (Torah), and the Prophets did write.’
Biblically Sound
‘Heaven and Earth will pass away, but My Word shall never pass
away.’ By embracing the Jewish roots of our faith, we not only
see a solid, historically correct foundation develop, but a
biblically balanced life-style also emerges. True
biblical doctrine was never meant to merely measure academic accuracy
or provide proof-text for debates, but to dramatically affect the
day to day details of people's lives. True biblical soundness
has it's greatest expression and deepest confirmation in the changed
lives of those who tenaciously take hold of God's Word and allow the
Spirit of God to make His Word alive in them.
Scripture is more than illustration material. It is the very
fabric and foundation that forms the boundaries of a
Spirit-empowered, biblical Jewish lifestyle for the whole world.
Torah observance is not legalism; but man-made restrictions (no
matter where they come from) often turn into legalism.
‘Because this people draw near with their words and honor Me with
their lip service, but they remove their hearts far from Me, and
their reverence for Me consists of tradition learned by rote’ (Isaiah
29:13). ‘You have let go of the commands of God, and are
holding on to the traditions of men.’ (Mark 7:8).